An Overview of the UAE Place of Effective Management (PoEM)

Key management and business decisions essential to a company’s operations are made at the Place of Effective Management (PoEM) as defined by the corporate tax regime of the United Arab Emirates. It is essential to determine whether a business is regarded as a resident for UAE tax purposes or if it may be liable for […]
An overview of how the UAE corporate tax law calculates taxable income and corporate tax payable.

According to UAE Corporate Tax Law, accounting income must be calculated to determine taxable income. The financial statements will serve as the basis for the net profit or loss for the applicable tax period. To calculate the Taxable Income for corporate tax purposes the Accounting Income must be adjusted. Important Procedures for Calculating Taxable Income. […]
Registration for tax under the UAE Corporate Tax Regime

It is the duty of the natural or juridical person to ascertain their tax obligations under the self-assessment system that governs the UAE Corporate Tax regime. A person who is subject to corporate taxation must register and carry out all associated duties such as filing returns and making any required payments. Taxable person -The following […]